

The UTILE project (the EU-Health innovation marketplace) is funded by the European Commission and its aim is to analyze the results of all finished Health projects within FP7 and H2020 and identifies the research results with the highest potential for further valorization and exploitation. UTILE is an ideal platform for actors within the life sciences and health sector to collaborate with each other, to find clustered information, and to have an overview of promising research results that went through extensive evaluation.


UTILE presents the EU-Health Innovation Marketplace, an online tool to increase valorization of the FP7 Health and Horizon2020 SC1 project results. This marketplace will actively bring together Innovation Providers (i.e. technology push) and the Innovation Developers (i.e. market pull). Moreover, in order to bring technology push and market pull successfully together, UTILE will analyze around 1200 past granted Health projects in FP7 and H2020 to identify the research results with the highest potential for translation and exploitation.


Through an inventory of best practices and by implementing and promoting this Marketplace, UTILE will support the sustainable exploitation of (current and future) Health project outcomes, gathering demand and supply sides, encouraging and promoting their dialog and collaboration.


In addition, UTILE is organising a series of offline activities to its users such as workshops and roundtables at international conferences, brokerage events, technology valorisation courses and trainings. Special attention will be given to the participation of start-ups, SMEs and the involvement of Low Performing Countries.


On the 15th June 2018, the first Business and Innovation workshop in the frame of the UTILE project will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The workshop will be focused on IP and IP management, access to finance and licensing and commercialization of innovative products. The training will be led by acknowledged experts specialized in IPR, funding opportunities and licensing. The workshop will attract promising health and life science projects funded under FP7 and Horizon 2020. More information on the agenda, speakers and topics you can find in the attached program (PDF file).


All projects are also given the opportunity to take part on 14th June 2018, at The Innovative Enterprise Week Sofia 2018 https://www.innoweeksofia2018.eu/, organized in close partnership with the European Commission. The event will present new EU instruments and polices for further improvement of the financial instrument and the overarching goal of the conference is to enhance access to finance for research and innovation.


For registration and more information, please contact: teodora@techtour.com