
The TechCapMarkets project is a collaboration between Tech Tour, PME Finance and IESE funded by the European Union and guided by an Advisory Board of market experts. In April 2017 the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, issued a call for proposals to improve the access of innovative small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to alternative finance.


Within this context TechCapMarkets deals with the specific task of improving the supply of alternative finance to innovative SMEs, by examining ways to improve the opportunities for fast-growth tech companies to list on European stock exchanges. And in turn improve the exit, and return, opportunities for private market tech investors.


This event happening on 27th of February in Paris sees the launch of the TechCapMarkets report -  which gathers data and views on the long-term challenges European tech companies face to listing on European public markets - and presents a series of recommendations on how these challenges can be addressed. It is a must attend event for anyone interested in how Europe can build and sustain international tech champions.