Enterprise Europe Network Brokerage Event
Enterprise Europe Network, partner of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, organises in this occasion a brokerage event dedicated to start ups, new companies and research centres operating in the aero-space sector with support of major aero-space clusters in Italy and Europe.
This event offers to participant the chance to meet with potential business and technical partners and to discuss participation to FP7 or other European programmes financing R&D.
Companies, research centres, universities, organisations operating in the aerospace sector interested in meeting potential technical and/or commercial partners or other subjects interested in participating to European resaerch programmes.
- Interested companies can register on: http://www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/public/bemt/home.cfm?EventID=2433.
- Each participant will be asked to insert a detailed profile of his company/organisation and his partner search request before September 20th.
- After that date the participants will be asked to select the profiles they would like to meet in the occasion of ESA Investment Forum.
- Personal agendas will be sent to all participating companies prior to the day of the meetings.
- One-to-one meetings session will be held at ESA Investment Forum from 12.00 to 14.00 on October 5th 2010.
For more information you cancontact Mrs Susy Longoni @ Innovhub by phone +39 02 85155237 or e-mail: longoni@mi.camcom.it