
08:00 Registration

Opening Plenary Session
William Stevens - Europe Unlimited
Mads Meldgaard - KPMG
Peter Thomsen - Biomodics
Jan Beyer Schmidt Sorensen- City of Aarhus

09:30 Elevator pitches
10:00 Keynote Speech
" Venture Capital beyond the Financial Crisis - From Venturing to Partnering"
Erik Vermeulen - Philips International
10:30 Discussion session
"Growth Recommendations"
Mikko Suonenlahti- Vera Venture
Michael Brandkamp - Hightech Gründerfonds
Daniel O'Mahony - Seroba Kernel Life Sciences Limited
Rianne Vogels - Sarsia Venture
Erik Vermeulen - Philips International
11:15 Coffee Break
11:45 Presentation
Session I
Session II
Each entrepreneur will make an 8 minutes presentation introducing the company and its objectives
followed by a 7 minutes evaluation. During the evaluation fellow entrepreneurs and experts
will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses
13:00 Networking lunch
14:15 Presentation
Session III
Session IV
Each entrepreneur will make an 8 minutes presentation introducing the company and its objectives
followed by a 7 minutes evaluation. During the evaluation fellow entrepreneurs and experts
will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses
15:45 Coffee Break

Session V
Session VI
Each entrepreneur will make an 8 minutes presentation introducing the company and its objectives
followed by a 7 minutes evaluation. During the evaluation fellow entrepreneurs and experts
will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses
17:45 Closing & Award Ceremony
Selected companies are honoured
Trine Wintero - MedTech Innovation Center
18:15 Cocktail