Testimonials - 2010 FTF NRW Programme
Quotes from participants of the 2010 FTF NWR Programme:
I consider the Fast-Track Program to be very helpful because:
- It brings us together with other entrepreneurs at the same stage with the same challenges
- It encourages regularly exchange of ideas
- It speeds up our development process because we can learn how others solve typical problems
- It brings us together with experienced coaches and entrepreneurs who help us to increase the quality of our business plans by asking the right critical questions and on the other hand by having some of the right answers to our questions
- The webinars help me to concentrate on the essentials by strengthening the key facts of every topic
Nicole Groth
Fast-Track NRW Participant
The Fast-Track program is extremely valuable for me and my company -Yoochoose. The feedback and the training sessions changed our sales strategy and market approach with measurable results. Just one simple example: instead of publishing news on our website and waiting for customers I sent our 2nd newsletter yesterday with the MailChimp program (a recommendation from one of the webinars). Today I tracked and followed-up potential customers who reacted to the newsletter. We won three new customers just last week.
Fast-Track NRW Participant
The FTF program has helped me a lot in understanding how fundraising really works. After the coachingsessions and the individual feedback I feel that our fundraising process will be much more successful. The FTF program has also helped me a lot in redefining our business plan. This type of advice is especially valuable for high-tech start-ups, and that advice is usually not provided by other organizations. I am very happy that the program brought me into contact with the experienced as well as young entrepreneurs who face the same challenges I face. Sharing common experiences is great and helps a lot to bring my start-up forward.
Martin Riedel
Fast-Track NRW Participant
As my company is at a really early stage, the Fast-Track-Founding NRW has given me really useful insights along with some new connections. This will indeed accelerate our business. Our coach has helped us to develop our project much further than I ever thought was possible. The webinars have helped us get into planning ourbusiness which is very valuablefor us. The coaches are very inspiring, motivating and have an open ear for young entrepreneur's concerns.
Fast-Track NRW Participant
I would call the program a great training for founders that have already founded. “Normal” entrepreneurship programs at university institutes are often given by people that never founded companies themselves. This is really different here: The experienced coach and the venture capitalists that have participatedreally know their business in detail. Although I have been an entrepreneur for over 3 years, I can still learn a lot.
Nikolai Krambrock
Fast-Track NRW Participant
Code4business Software GmbH in Aachen
The FTF program is helpful for me as a young entrepreneur. The feedback from other entrepreneurs help to reveal points that I should work on as a leader. I took tips from fellow participants and improved my presentation skills. The Triad meetings have forced me to defend my own business strategies and to rethink many of them.
Christian Dommers
Fast-Track NRW Participant
I'm not an entrepreneur but as a coach, it seems to me that the programme is very valuable. It's very well structured and practical, with clear goals and milestones to achieve. The other programmes I have seen tend to be too theoretical and time-consuming for the entrepreneurs. This one offers an ideal combination of coaching and practice with a lot of flexibility and team work. I would personally recommend it to any region as a way to give a good start to new innovative ventures.
Catherine Delavoye
Fast-Track Coach