Europe's most promising entrepreneurs network with international investors...

On 1 & 2 December 2008, the City of Düsseldorf (Germany) hosted the 2nd edition of the European Venture Summit, offering entrepreneurs from Biotech & Industrial Biotech, ICT and New Energies the opportunity to grow their businesses across borders by facilitating contacts to an experienced and international network of venture capital and corporate investors, strategic partners and expert advisers.

As a result of combining four well-established networking events, the EVS showcased the most promising Biotech, Industrial Biotech, Cleantech and Information Technology entrepreneurs from all over Europe who met and presented themselves to active international investors and corporations seeking investment opportunities and partnerships. In addition to this, a conference programme established by senior industry contacts, was made accessible to all participants.

The European Venture Summit contributed to economic growth within and the development of high-tech and innovative companies throughout Europe. It built on Europe Unlimited's regional events and networks introducing entrepreneurs to new markets and potential partners.

The event best presenters by sector:

ICT Top 5:

Myngle BV (NL)
Polymita Technologies (ES)
Softkinetic SA (BE)
68Technologies Pte Ltd (SE)

Biotech Top 5:

PentaBase ApS (DK)
Cardiola AG (CH)
RESprotect GmbH (DE)
Transinsight (DE)
Integromics SL (ES)

Industrial Biotech Top 5:

CLEA Technologies (NL)
SunCoal Industries GmbH (DE)
Greenvironment Oy (FI)
Hybrid Nanoclays SL (ES)
Phytowelt GreenTechnologies GmbH (DE)

Cleantech Top 5:

Wave Star Energy (DK)
DuraCar Holding BV (NL)
Epuramat SA (LU)
RPR Technologies AS (NO)
Hexaformer (SE)